On My Soapbox Again

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaIt constantly amazes me how adults who, rightfully, condemn bullying against the youth in schools and social websites (to the point they want laws that will actually imprison youths who do it), will actually teach them HOW to bully as they insult one another over their own differences. Vulgar name calling, bashing, and accusations against one another, just because the other person doesn’t “think” the same way they do. I see it constantly. Is it ok because it is adults beating down adults? Is it ok because they are supposedly old enough to “handle” it? I can give example after example, but I won’t because I really DON’T want to give those people any more ideas on how to bash one another. The media does it constantly and then the people follow suit. Media talking heads, members of Congress, low-life reality celebrities, A list celebrities, rap artists, singers, certain so-called Christian “leaders of the people”…they all get their licks in too. And then they will condemn the kids for doing what they do.

Just a few minutes ago, I was reading a celebrity’s page (Mike Rowe) who went on a conservative show to raise money for his cause. He did not talk politics, he talked about his cause. Before that, he went on a liberal’s show to raise money for his cause. In both cases, he is “guilty by association”. The vulgar words being thrown around by both sides are disgusting. He once wrote a blog on it, saying how he doesn’t understand why people are being this way, but evidently it was to no avail. How is he supposed to raise money for his cause if he is not allowed to talk to ANYONE?

Kids need role models. If adults would just TRY to behave themselves, and stop bullying one another, then maybe the kids would too. Every bad thing a kid does, begins with an adult who did it first. The hate needs to stop immediately. Adults need to be more responsible before it causes the death of another child.

Tara Pollard

Author of Season's Christmas Quest: The Dog's Story

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