On My Soapbox

pillsI have noticed that authorities tend to blame either terrorism or “mental illness” as a cause for just about every horrible act committed by an individual.

Who really knows the truth since the media has a tendency to report rumors, misconceptions, theories, miscommunications, and/or outright lies as fact from their “trusted” sources? But, is a true “mental illness” the actual cause of many of the acts that have been committed, or was it something else?

How many people go to a doctor complaining of stress, or sleeplessness, and find themselves prescribed some anti-psychotic medication to either settle their nerves or help them sleep? Most people, especially the elderly, trust their doctors and will swallow whatever they give them. They don’t check the medications for side effects, and they don’t think to check if the medication might have adverse reactions if combined with other medications, alcohol or even certain foods. They just take that pill.

It is a fact that certain prescribed drugs are causing symptoms of mental illness, but that does not mean the person HAS a mental illness. From MULTIPLE times of experience, with MULTIPLE individuals, I’ve personally seen people act out of character, have seen presented deep-seated issues they didn’t even know they had, have seen them have conversations with invisible beings they swear are standing right there, have held conversations with them about the most ridiculous subjects, and each time that person was awake…or appeared to be. But, they weren’t. All because they couldn’t sleep and took an AMBIEN.

You cannot wake them, either. No matter what you do, the drug has to wear off before they are lucid again. People have been found wielding weapons as they wander down the street sleep-walking with their eyes wide open. Soldiers with PTSD out and about reliving extreme battle stress, swinging at hallucinations and/or real live people have been reported. NONE have memories of these actions. THEY WILL TALK TO YOU AND RESPOND, while under the influence, but only the people who know them well, will recognize there is something wrong. They are not awake. They are not mentally ill or crazy. They are under the influence of a drug that has no business being prescribed to anyone! The FDA refuses to acknowledge these problems and pill-pusher doctors are making a lot of money handing them out.

How many people are driving under the influence of Ambien? They look and act wide awake, but they are zombies wandering around with no idea of what they are doing, and I stress again, they will have no memory of any of it once they actually wake up. If you can realize they are NOT AWAKE and get them into bed and make them actually close their eyes, they should pass out immediately, but after a time will thrash about in the bed, reaching out, lifting their legs as though acting out a dream. They have been found wandering naked down freeways, going to work in pajamas, dropping kids off at school on a Saturday, cooking in the middle of the night, taking furniture apart, conversing with actors on TV, binge eating, digging holes in the yard, knocking down walls, standing on roof tops, grabbing their hunting rifles and shooting, or they simply wander off and disappear. Yes, most of the time the things they do are either dumb or mostly dangerous to themselves, but every once in a while, full blown Hell breaks loose and bullets are flying everywhere.

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Tara Pollard

Author of Season's Christmas Quest: The Dog's Story

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Author of Season's Christmas Quest: The Dog's Story

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Author of Season's Christmas Quest: The Dog's Story

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